Episode #59: Pivot Your Story Angle with Cloey Callahan

Episode #59: Pivot Your Story Angle with Cloey Callahan

“I have a handful of PR people who I know I can turn to. They know that if they email me, they’re definitely going to get an email back. If there’s some sort of relationship that’s been built […] I want to work harder to make their lives easier.”

-Cloey Callahan, on building rapport with publicists

In today’s episode, we analyze a story that experienced a complete pivot from the original pitch and follow-up. Get a glimpse into how this happened, and why having that rapport built already led to an active brainstorming and changing of the story altogether— talk about PR-journalist collaboration heaven! From it, walk away encouraged to do the same, should your original story idea need a fresh angle for that journalist to say yes to you.

In this episode, you'll learn to leverage authenticity and flexibility in all aspects of your outreach…

  • Communicating with a journalist

  • Preparing your expert for an interview

  • Crafting stories that dive deeper than the basics

Our guest is:

  • Cloey Callahan is a reporter for Digiday Media's newest vertical, WorkLife, where she covers all things future of work, including but not limited to tech, spaces, culture, d/e/i, talent and leadership. Before WorkLife, she spent three years covering local news in New York's Hudson Valley, where she was born and raised and still resides today. 

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Show Notes:

:00– Jackie introduces our guest.

2:06– Cloey talks about an article she wrote that stemmed from a PR pitch. 

3:34– Cloey goes on to explain the original PR pitch, and how the story changed. 

6:29– Britt asks to clarify who the sources were within the piece and if they all came from the same publicist.

8:00– Britt asks if the publicist sat in during the interview. 

9:15– Jackie asks if knowing the publicist’s name influenced Cloey to open and respond to the pitch. 

10:40– Britt asks if she has a lot of strong relationships with publicists. 

13:00– Jackie asks what Cloey looks for in a publicist she’d like to build rapport with.

15:32– Britt mentions that sometimes publicists have anxiety about not having the right expert, and that might prevent them from getting coverage with them in the future. 

16:52– Britt asks if Cloey has organization methods for sources. 

18:46– Britt asks Cloey if she prefers one topic or a few topics listed in an intro expert pitch.  

20:43– Britt asks if brainstorming with a publicist happens via email or phone. 

21:28– Britt asks how Cloey conducts her interviews.

21:50– Britt asks Cloey if she sends interview questions in advance. 

23:39– Jackie asks Cloey what sources and stories she’d like to see more in her inbox. 

28:13– Cloey mentions an interview she conducted, where the interviewee had a connection with Cloey’s hometown, and how important it was to make that kind of connection.

29:56- Shoutout time! Cloey gives a shoutout to Katy Goldstein, Shara Seigel (Mission North), and Sara Zick (Moxie).

Things we talked about…

Connect With Cloey Callahan

Connect with Jackie & Britt

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